Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saved from Marriage?

Today, Darcy told me that it would be a big mistake if I was to marry Jane. Even though he knew I was sad, he told me that I would later thank him. Thank him for saving me from an "imprudent marriage." But I guess it's got to be my best friend over my girlfriend. I'll just have to trust his judgement and stay away.


  1. It is good that you took my advice. We will always be best friends and i did save you. Do not be sad there are plenty of other girls that you can marry. Be strong my man.

  2. Mr. Bingley, I urge you not to listen to Mr. Darcy and his rubbish. He is a pretentious, patronizing man who is more concerned about status than love. Marry whom you love, and do not concern yourself with matters of class and status. In the end, we are all humans with our own unique attributes who are not defined by class or wealth.
